Sunday, October 24, 2010

THE PLURALISM OF RELIGIONS ; Toward Peace of World in Inter-Religious Dialogue

By: Anwar Mohammad
The fact of diversity or plurality which is not separated from the consequences of the differences is the necessity that nobody can deny this world. From the diversity of it, certainly can’t escape from the conflict. Similarly, religious. But that need not run away from the plurality, but rather a means or mechanism of what to do so would create religious harmony.
Referring to above problem , in recent years, many discussions about the harmony of religious life. These discussions are very important, along with the development of religious sentiments, which at least has challenged the thinking of religious theology, the harmony of life itself. And automatically deny the inevitability of a plurality.
Therefore we need a space of dialogue, in which mutual communication both within harmonize the differences will be created. And positive relationships in creating world peace. Especially to build the future of interreligious relations better, open, fair and democratic. Besides also the positive emergence of various institutions or organizations that preach the importance of harmony between religions, it is very helpful in achieving this harmony.
Plurality as Reality : Pluralism and conflict of interfaith
The fact of plurality is something that can’t  be denied existence in this world. Likewise, pluralism, namely the realization that in a joint human life there is diversity of ethnicity, race, culture and religion. Religious diversity, for example, occurs because of environmental factors that place human life that is not the same. There are also religious diversity in beliefs and doctrines that differ in guiding his flock.
Religion as a social institution, is part of the culture and system. If human culture diverse, it can be understood, religion was also varied. Why religion is also part of the culture? Because human beings are not able to live outside the culture. So the diversity of religion as faith and culture must be the power to create live peaceful, prosperous and more advanced.
In some theology of religions, in fact there is an explanation of plurality. In Islam for instance, his theological doctrine contained in the Koran to explain the existence of God are one and the absolute. It is, have the consequence that there is no unity of nature and society. This is called Gamal al-Banna in his work At Ta'addudiyah Fi mujtama 'Islamy, with "monotheism gave birth to pluralism"[1].
In the Christian world, awareness of the existence of plurality and difference are marked with the contents of conciliation Vatican II church which stated in the introduction that: "All peoples are one people, have one origin, because God wants all human beings inhabit the whole earth. All also have one final goal that is God, who create it"[2].
Both these statements, Islam and Christianity, not much different. Because they are aware of the existence of God are one and not for any others. But the problem is back on the interpretation of religious doctrine which tends only to justify their own religion. Such attitude will create exclusive and fundamentalism that tends radicals, fanatics and authoritarian. This is (religious exclusivity) is actually an enemy of every religion and trigger the creation of conflict among religions and between religions.
 In history, has long been exclusively developed doctrine theology:  that I was the most correct religion, other religions false and misleading[3]. If you like this, religious conflict is no longer inevitable, and for expressing the truth of their religious faiths are monolithic and exclusive.
Leading religious philosopher Alvin Plantiga, reveals an exclusive doctrine that by "the tenets of one of Religions are in fact true; That any propositions are incompatible with these tenets are false" or John Hick, "The exclusive think That Their description of God is the true description and the others are mistaken insofar They differ from it"[4]. The formulation of Ajith Fernando, contemporary theologians are also still interesting to be disclosed here. He said "Other Religions are false paths, that mislead Their followers"[5]. Exclusivity illustration of this statement is very clearly visible.
Starting from the differences in how to understand belief, turning into social problems which often lead to disputes. Religion has contraction a social system, culture and symbols. Each religion also has a system, faith and different beliefs. This kind of religious process which surely has social implications that not only is monologists but posed a far more complex.
Not to mention the bustling political strife in this modern era. Between developed and developing countries or countries of west and east continued to show its influence in the world. All of that has not escaped the onslaught of modernization. Followed by anti-modernism which ends arise terrorism movement. Where lately involving the two sides between the West and East. It can’t be denied, it is included in the territory of religion. That is between Islam, Christianity and Judaism that represent these two camps.
Inter-Religious Dialogue: Toward Peace of the World
The emergence of an increasingly rampant religious conflict, must be tempered with an attitude of openness between religions. exclusive attitude must be changed towards a more open attitude of inclusiveness and pluralism can lead to a pluralistic awareness and positive view of other religions. Awareness of this pluralism will create awareness of the interfaith dialogue interaction.
Related on above, the leaders of religious theology has been voicing the need for interfaith dialogue with the dictum, "Those Who know only Their own religion, know More. Those Who Are not decisively committed to one faith, know no others. To be religious today is to be Interreligious ". If this dictum has been accepted, it would be easier to enter dialogue.
In the history of the Christian churches , the idea of dialogue among religions recognized by the global ecumenisme. Although previously still have meaning unification between Christians, but also meaningful unification of all different faiths in the world. This can raise awareness of global dimension in the matter of religion.
In the realization, inter-religious dialogue has been there since long. It can be seen in the emperor Ashoka edict written in stone. It's amazing, because he gives some of the principles of interfaith dialogue since the 3rd century BC[6]. And in fact the dialogue is not only to communicate with each other, respect and understanding. But more than it, in the context of meeting global religion has a goal to move together in overcoming the problems of the world. So the religious harmony which aspired to be realized.
Therefore, the real movement to do ¬ the author agrees with what was raised U-Than from Burma in the 1960s became the UN secretary general, said "what we need is unity of religions in addition to the unity of nations"[7], although no one is accepting his idea. This idea was developed by the Mukti Ali that the board of global religions are much needed but not necessary under the United Nations assistance (PBB). With the three prerequisites of future global society; justice, peace and environment that can improve lives.
For example, such a dialogue has been conducted youth organization called IYF (International Youth Forum), a forum initiated by the alumnus of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta-Indonesia, in this last year. They carry the Unity in Diversity in all its activities. Including religious harmony as the main agenda and aggressively propagated, especially in conflict areas.
If the understanding of religious pluralism is inherent in religions and interfaith dialogue are also realized in a container meeting, then peace and brotherhood which is the essence of religion will be felt all the citizens of the world. 
                                                   Jakarta, 2nd oct 2010

Reference :
Al-Banna, Gamal, At Ta’addudiyah Fi Mujtama’ Islamy (trjmh.), Jakarta: MataAir Publishing, 2006.
Secretariat for Inter-Religious Dialogue, Dialogue, Tehran: Organization for Islamic Culture and Communications, (without the year)
Ali, H.A. Mukti, Agama Dalam Pergumulan Masyarakat Dunia, Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana, 1998.
Zamharir, Hari, Agama dan Negara; Analisis Kritis Pemikiran Politik Nurcholish Madjid, Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 2004.
Khan, Inayat, Hazrat, The Unity of Religious Ideals (terjmh.), Yogyakarta: Putra Langit, 2003.

[1] Al-Banna, Gamal, At Ta’addudiyah Fi Mujtama’ Islamy (trjmh.), Jakarta: MataAir Publishing, 2006.pge.8.
[2] Secretariat for Inter-Religious Dialogue, Dialogue, Tehran: Organization for Islamic Culture and Communications, (without the year).pge.56.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Mukti Ali, Agama Moralitas dan Perkembangan Kontemporer , dalam buku Agama dalam Pergumulan Masyarakat Dunia, Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana, 1998.hal.6.
[7] Ibid.hal.9.

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